Monday, December 04, 2006

This is Concerned Neighbors for a Better America. What exactly are we concerned about and what exactly could make America better?

America is headed down a path toward socialism through the liberal elite in this country. The 2006 mid-term elections evidenced the fact that Americans are not happy with their government. Is what we are about to get any better than what was already there? This is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people; instead it has become a political power grab, in which the self declared elite claim chunks of the land for their own exploitation. Whether Republican or Democrat, I believe neither has performed in their obligation to be a representative of their electorate. It was JFK who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." He would be sickened by the entitlement nation that America has become.

To combat this tide to the dismal extreme left, we must go back to true conservative ideals, those ideas that stem from the greatest Americans, Jefferson, Monroe and Madison. Belief in the rule of law through the words in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights along with a strong foundation in Judeo-Christian values. The idea that liberty comes only through truly free markets and limited government. Strength comes not only from a strong volunteer military, but secured borders, English as the national language, and the belief in assimilation to the American Culture that with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, any person, whether 1st or 10th generation can achieve the American Dream.

I do not believe the American Dream is dead, I just believe it has been hijacked and it is time to take it back.

Check back often as we will monitor the Congress and President based on these ideals. You may be asked to call or write you congress-person and we appreciate your help.

Together, we can make America the "Shining city upon the hill" once again.